Queenslanders For End Of Life Legal Options


If the topic of voluntary assisted dying raises issues for you or your family, you can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Griefline on 1300 845 745. Or see the “Support for families, friends and carers during VAD” section on our Resources page.

Below are our blog posts. Our blog posts provide our long form “essays” on VAD legislation, VAD and related law reform issues, the impediments to better VAD implementation (Telehealth use is criminalised), potential future reform advocacy ideas and educational discussions on VAD and end of life healthcare options.

And, don’t forget about the “Did you know?” section at the end of each blog post.

If you prefer shorter form consumption of our content and ideas then please find us on Bluesky, click here.

Canadian MAiD

We are envious of the Canadian MAiD legislation, and would like to see the best bits of this legislation incorporated into our own Qld VAD Act. We need to get rid of the “expected to cause death within 12 months” clause from our legisation, and include both Track 1 and Track 2 type accessibility options from MAiD into our Act. Now already…..

Telehealth and VAD

Regional and remote Queenslanders are put through the heartbreak of travelling long distances in agony to meet their clinicians. The compassionate and convenient use of Telehealth by VAD clinicians is banned. Banned by our Canberra mates….